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update esri-leaflet #124

Closed ungoldman closed 8 years ago

ungoldman commented 9 years ago

Noticed esri-leaflet is quite out of date:

/*! Esri-Leaflet - v0.0.1-beta.4 - 2014-03-09


Will open a PR to bump to latest (currently 1.0.0-rc.6) when I get a chance.

chelm commented 9 years ago


ungoldman commented 9 years ago

@jgravois wondering if you have an opinion on the best way to do this -- would be nice to use the CDN via

<script src="http://cdn-geoweb.s3.amazonaws.com/esri-leaflet/1.0.0-rc.6/esri-leaflet.js"></script>

rather than committing esri-leaflet's minified source to koop.

@chelm what part of koop handles public/ getting served?

jgravois commented 9 years ago

i agree. CDN seems like the simplest, least maintenance way to go.

chelm commented 9 years ago

I actually think that the esri-leaflet in the code base is not being used. Each provider that supports a "preview" endpoint should be using the CDN (and be kept up-to-date in those repos). Unless we want to refactor the way the demo views in the providers work to include the libs in a more central way.

chelm commented 9 years ago

koop-socrata example: https://github.com/koopjs/koop-socrata/blob/master/views/demo.ejs#L54

chelm commented 9 years ago

So I'll verify that we can just blow away the checked in esri-leaflet code today.

ungoldman commented 9 years ago

@chelm makes sense to me. we probably don't need a public folder at all then, right?

chelm commented 9 years ago

@ngoldman I have removed the local esri-leaflet code, but we still need the public dir for public/js/map.js which is the shared logic for providers that have a preview method. This could change easily and we could say its up the to providers to be completely self-sustaining in they're support for things like views and maps and such.

I think this is an artifact of the old way koop was built as one big piece. So we just need to make a decision and either leave it and doc that its there and how to use it, or blow it away and duplicate it in the providers that want it.

ungoldman commented 9 years ago

@chelm is this something that could act as a plugin?

chelm commented 9 years ago

@ngoldman good question. potentially yes but its a bit different. It could re-thought to be plugin I suppose. Let me ponder on that today.

ungoldman commented 8 years ago

Moving towards removing preview from Koop altogether (v3).

ungoldman commented 8 years ago

Esri-Leaflet needs to be updated in individual providers for now.