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Need an instruction for creating geojson on gist #83

Closed soichih closed 9 years ago

soichih commented 9 years ago


I have created following geojson in gist


But.. I don't know how to expose this via my koop instance. I have installed gists providers, and I tried something like following (none of them works)

http://soichi.grid.iu.edu:49163/gist/106b609975d743c1b516/preview http://soichi.grid.iu.edu:49163/gist/soichih/106b609975d743c1b516/preview http://soichi.grid.iu.edu:49163/gist/soichih:106b609975d743c1b516/preview

I might not be understanding how gist works, but how do I translate my gist URL to the "gist ID" that I need to enter for koop (under "View a Gist" field)?

chelm commented 9 years ago

Not sure what's up. Something may have changed in the Github API that is causing this to fail. I'll look into it today.

chelm commented 9 years ago

Ahhh it took a me a bit but I figured it out the issue. Koop expects the GeoJSON to be a FeatureCollection, not just a GeoJSON feature.

https://gist.github.com/chelm/1cc0c3aab6bd93a49b5d http://koop.dc.esri.com/gist/1cc0c3aab6bd93a49b5d

However the preview seems to not be happy. So now Im looking at that.

soichih commented 9 years ago

Thanks Chris.

I am not sure where to go from here.. should I just pull the latest version from the master? Or.. has this been documented somewhere else?

chelm commented 9 years ago

Assuming you installed koop-gist via npm install then you could simply just remove it from the node_modules dir and re-install it altogether. Is that what you mean?

soichih commented 9 years ago

Yes, thanks!