koorchik / node-mole-rpc

Transport agnostic spec compliant JSON RPC client and server
MIT License
61 stars 13 forks source link

http2 #4

Open shanejonas opened 5 years ago

shanejonas commented 5 years ago

any plans to support http2 as a transport?

koorchik commented 5 years ago

Hi, we are going to implement transport that will allow mount Mole RPC Server to express.js endpoint (as middleware). In this case, you can run express on top of http2

shanejonas commented 5 years ago

any solution for the client?

koorchik commented 5 years ago

client transport will be built on top of "fetch" (isomorphic-fetch). So, in browser it will support http2 but in nodejs, I am not sure that node-fetch uses http2.

In case it is rather easy to add extra client transport built on top of node "http2" module

shanejonas commented 5 years ago

Awesome. Thanks, wasn't aware browser fetch needed no changes for http2.

darrencruse commented 1 year ago

was looking at mole rpc love the different transports provided and the examples provided with the transports look pretty simple and nice compared to some of the other json rpc libraries I looked at

but I don't see an http transport listed here: https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=keywords:mole-transport

did the express.js transport mentioned above never get implemented?