koordinates / kart

Distributed version-control for geospatial and tabular data
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Adds support for basic s3 url redirects #952

Open olsen232 opened 7 months ago

olsen232 commented 7 months ago

Adding url redirect rules to the linked-storage.json meta item causes those redirect rules to be honoured when fetching tiles for any commit that includes the new linked-storage.json.

However, this won't help when fetching tiles for older commits which were created before the redirect rules were added. The fix will be to add logic such that Kart finds redirect rules from a newer commit even when fetching tiles when checking out an older commit.

TODO in later PRs: TODO: add logic such that Kart finds redirect rules from newer commits. TODO: add a command for setting up redirect rules - right now there is just kart meta set which is pretty bare bones.

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