koordinates / kart

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Tracking bug for `kart export` command (vector / table) #992

Open olsen232 opened 2 months ago

olsen232 commented 2 months ago

kart import lets you take a non-Kart dataset and import it to Kart. There's no opposite command that takes a Kart dataset and exports it as some non-kart dataset type.

(Except that, if you really need to, you can use the working-copy creation functionality to export a dataset, or, use ogr2ogr on the contents of your working copy, or use ogr2ogr plus the experimental OGR driver in checked into contrib/.

This is the tracking bug for adding a kart export command. It will use GDAL OGR drivers internally and so will immediately support export to most anything that OGR supports, and it will feel familiar for anyone used to using ogr2ogr.

A downside to this approach is that we might have a bit more OGR behaviour / bugs than we want, until and unless we special case them or work around them. For example:

(This issue is just for vector + tabular datasets - kart export for raster or point cloud datasets will need a separate command to be written. Using the working copy contents + gdal_translate or pdal translate works okay for exporting those formats in the meantime)

olsen232 commented 2 months ago

Implemented in the following PRs:




olsen232 commented 2 months ago

Mostly done except I should update the docs at https://docs.kartproject.org/en/latest/pages/command_reference.html

Possible future enhancements: