kootenpv / cliche

Build a simple command-line interface from your functions :computer:
MIT License
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Compare with clize #4

Open bersace opened 4 years ago

bersace commented 4 years ago


Thanks for cliché. The name and the design are great. Also, the comparison section is insightful.

Would you mind to compare with clize ? And add it to the comparison list ?


pykenny commented 2 years ago

@bersace Haven't looked into Clize pretty much, but one of the main differences is that Clize build its own CLI parser instead of using existing parser libraries (they thought argparse's design is not pretty Pythonic and claims to have more functionalities over argparse in their current core library), while Cliche uses builtin argparse directly for handling input. (Still, Clize allows you to swap their core parser with argparse).

Another difference would probably be backward compatibility -- to support Python versions < 3.7 (including Python 2) Clize has dependencies such as attrs and six to make use of advanced language features not available in previous versions of Python. It may not be the case now because both Python 2 and Python 3.6 got deprecated. Cliche wasn't developed for Python 2 usage, but should be runnable on Python >= 3.4 without external backward compatibility support.