kop / yii2-scroll-pager

Infinite AJAX scrolling for Yii2 ListView widget
MIT License
180 stars 63 forks source link

Loaded items having display:none #72

Open tetzilla opened 8 years ago

tetzilla commented 8 years ago

I`m using this exentsion with a ListView

echo ListView::widget([ 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, 'id' => 'kategorieView', 'itemOptions' => ['class' => 'itemKategorie'], 'itemView' => '_startseiteKategorie', 'viewParams' => ['aktuelleWettbewerbId'=>$aktuelleWettbewerbId], 'layout' => "{items}\n{pager}", 'pager' => [ 'class' => ScrollPager::className(), 'container' => '#kategorieView', 'item' => '.itemKategorie', 'enabledExtensions' => [ ScrollPager::EXTENSION_TRIGGER, ScrollPager::EXTENSION_SPINNER, ScrollPager::EXTENSION_NONE_LEFT, ScrollPager::EXTENSION_PAGING ], 'triggerOffset' => 2, ], ]);

When I`m scrolling to the bottom of the page new items will be added to the dom with style="display:none":

Amr-alshroof commented 7 years ago

i do have the same issue