I've an issue using siriwave.js, I would like to have a line then the canvas which contains the wave but my problem is that the begin (at the left) and the end (at the right) of the wave both move. It result that I can't give a sense of continuity between my line and the canvas.
I've an issue using siriwave.js, I would like to have a line then the canvas which contains the wave but my problem is that the begin (at the left) and the end (at the right) of the wave both move. It result that I can't give a sense of continuity between my line and the canvas.
Here's a link to illustrate my problem : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31235493/how-to-draw-a-straight-line-before-and-after-a-wave-using-siriwave-js
Does anyone knows how to fix that ? Many thanks