koppor / jabref

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Message after import should be passive #548

Closed koppor closed 1 year ago

koppor commented 2 years ago


The message should contain "created new entry" or "merged into existing entry"

Racheal7 commented 1 year ago

Hi Oliver, can I take this issue? I am a student at the Australian National University and would like to contribute to the JabRef repo as part of my assignment.

Thank you~

Racheal7 commented 1 year ago

@ThiloteE Hi there, thank you for assigning me.

Just want to clarify, my solution for the issue can be found in the Pull Requeset. However, as my team member pointed out, the messages are more like "past tense" rather than "passive". Is that okay or should I change the messages to passive tense such as "A new file was imported"?

In addition, the icon after successfully importing a BibTex is currently the "warning" icon, which I assume is a bug and it should be the "check" icon. I have already modified it in my PR but just want to confirm with you.

Thank you very much!

ThiloteE commented 1 year ago

Both Oliver Kopp and me are not native Speakers of the English language. Now that I think about it, yes a "passive" form of the past might be preferable. To be honest, since you study in Australia, which is an English Speaking Country, I think you might have a better feeling for what is right or wrong here. Whatever you choose, it will definitely be an improvement to the status quo.

koppor commented 1 year ago

Everything was settled down at https://github.com/JabRef/jabref/pull/9308 - no discussion needed any more.

@Racheal7 Thank you for working on this!

Racheal7 commented 1 year ago

Thank you, Oliver @koppor