koppor / jabref

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After updating a BibEntry from DOI, the key should be generated #588

Open koppor opened 1 year ago

koppor commented 1 year ago


  1. image
  2. Add new entry, type Inproceedings
  3. Set title to Model-driven Digital Twin Construction: Synthesizing the Integration of Cyber-Physical Systems with Their Information Systems
  4. Click on "Look up DOI"
  5. Result: DOI 10.1145/3365438.3410941
  6. Click on "Get bibliographic data from DOI"
  7. Following dialog is shown:\ image
  8. Expectation 1: The key at the right side is generated
  9. Click on "Merge Entries"
  10. The entry has the key Kirchof_2020
  11. Expectation 2: The entry has the key Kirchof2020 (as defined in the key generator)

To fullfil expection 2, I think, expectation 1 needs to be fulfilled.

ThiloteE commented 1 year ago

~Disagree. JabRef works as expected. JabRef does exactly what the preference says. JabRef overwrites the key Kirchof2020 upon import with the pattern that the user specified in the preferences related to the citation-key generator.~

~To not overwrite upon import, just disable Generate a new key for imported entries (overwriting their default).~

~Of course, there could be some kind of info in the duplicate merger dialogue showing that this is what is going to happen. More an UI thing than a logic thing.~

koppor commented 1 year ago

JabRef does not do what the preference says: JabRef fetches the bibliographic data from the DOI. Even if Generate a new key for imported entries (overwriting their default) is set, there is NO key generated. This contradicts "Expectation 1" from above.

ThiloteE commented 1 year ago

you are right.

ThiloteE commented 1 year ago

Interestingly, when a citationkey is present in the old entry, a key with user defined pattern will be generated. See https://github.com/JabRef/jabref/issues/8644