koppor / jabref

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Use BibTeX builder at `org.jabref.logic.importer.fileformat.BibtexImporterTest#importEntries` #677

Open koppor opened 4 months ago

koppor commented 4 months ago

(META: This issue is reserved for a university course. Please only work on it if it is part of your assignment)

JabRef offers a (kind of) Builder for BibTeX data:

    private static BibEntry titleSentenceCased = new BibEntry(StandardEntryType.Misc)
            .withField(StandardField.TITLE, "Title Sentence Cased");

This builder is NOT used in org.jabref.logic.importer.fileformat.BibtexImporterTest#importEntries, but it should.


Rewrite org.jabref.logic.importer.fileformat.BibtexImporterTest#importEntries to use assertEquals(list, bibEntries. The list, should be constructed with List.of(aksin, stdmodel, set, preissel2016). aksin, ... are BibEntrys created by new BibEntry... withField...)