koppor / jabref

Collection of simple for JabRef issues. Please submit PRs to https://github.com/jabRef/jabref/.
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test #689

Open koppor opened 4 weeks ago

koppor commented 4 weeks ago

This tests why gradle behaves differently on the CI than locally. See https://github.com/JabRef/jabref/pull/11282#issuecomment-2148496510 for more information.

I run a git bisect locally. I add a breaking change. I force-push this change to testci and see what the CI does.

- return formatter.format(stringBuilder, field);
- return formatter.format(stringBuilder, field) + " ";

Mandatory checks

koppor commented 4 weeks ago

Oh, it happens at least since v5.12:

$ git bisect log
git bisect start
# status: waiting for both good and bad commits
# bad: [dba4d0cc57468b919de15bee7f4474202c830855] Improve devdocs for localization (#11356)
git bisect bad dba4d0cc57468b919de15bee7f4474202c830855
# status: waiting for good commit(s), bad commit known
# bad: [67accd105f9264fdab309cf6cafd04221b8dd58a] test
git bisect bad 67accd105f9264fdab309cf6cafd04221b8dd58a
# status: waiting for good commit(s), bad commit known
# bad: [6bdcf630289a8a44f2fd82ba2267cf047bd77950] Release v5.13
git bisect bad 6bdcf630289a8a44f2fd82ba2267cf047bd77950
# status: waiting for good commit(s), bad commit known
# bad: [4233bad878d38d3b56acd08eac3499b9d2fec0e5] Release v5.12
git bisect bad 4233bad878d38d3b56acd08eac3499b9d2fec0e5
# status: waiting for good commit(s), bad commit known

Example missed by the CI:

> Task :test
org.jabref.logic.exporter.BibtexDatabaseWriterTest trimFieldContents() FAILED

  org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: expected: <@Article{,
    note = {some note},
  > but was: <@Article{,
    note = { some note },

org.jabref.logic.bibtex.BibEntryWriterTest bibEntryContentSomehowTrimmed() FAILED

  org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: expected: <@Article{,
    author = {two spaces before and after},
  > but was: <@Article{,
    author = { two spaces before and after },