korakion / Shadowsong

Bug Repository for the Shadowsong Realm
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Shaman Totems: Threat Generation #233

Open ceroki opened 7 years ago

ceroki commented 7 years ago

There seems to be a big issue with the threat generation of certain shaman totems. I am currently trying to research this to be able to provide sources of information which I will update with as I find them. Also posting this while I am researching in the hope that others might have noticed this issue and already have some information with sources available to add and get this resolved correctly.

So on this server, many of totems seem to generate threat towards themselves that should not. The biggest issue of these is the Mana Spring Totem which will make enemies run towards it even if other targets are closer to the enemy. From what I have been reading so far, the only totems that should generate threat is the healing stream, the damage causing fire totems and the stoneclaw totem. The healing stream threat generation also sounds like it should generate threat towards the targets being healed instead of the totem itself, similar to the current earth shield bug.

As I said this is just some minimal information to get started based on observations in game and from early research. I will be updating with sources of information as I find them and hopefully anyone with knowledge of shamans from past characters can provide some insight and informational sources to help out.