korakion / Shadowsong

Bug Repository for the Shadowsong Realm
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Blackrock Depths: The Grim Guzzler #236

Open Osenis opened 7 years ago

Osenis commented 7 years ago

According to http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Grim_Guzzler, there should be several ways to get the door to The Grim Guzzler open. I've tried all except having a Rogue pick pocket the Grim Guzzler Key from Plugger Spazzring, if that even works.

When I do the turn in for http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Quest:Rocknot%27s_Ale Rocknot's Ale 3 times, all Private Rocknot gets is a Drunken Rage buff and does nothing. I've even done http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Quest:The_Love_Potion The Love Potion Quest, which is supposed to allow Mistress Nagmara to open the door. She just goes about her business and does nothing.

I've also tossed Dark Iron Ale at Hammered Patrons, which is supposed to aggro them and also end with the door open.

Osenis commented 7 years ago

Also, I leveled a Rogue to level 55, just to pick pocket the key from Plugger Spazzring. It seems that he doesn't have anything in his pockets. So literally, to date, there is no way to get the door to the Grim Guzzler open.

Osenis commented 7 years ago


At this point, Plugger Spazzring http://www.wowhead.com/npc=9499/plugger-spazzring#pickpocketing still has nothing to be picked from his pocket, including the Grim Guzzler Key.