koraktor / steam-condenser

A multi-language library for querying the Steam Community, Source, GoldSrc servers and Steam master servers
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Error 503 Service Unavailable for XML profile API #268

Closed CrimsonTautology closed 9 years ago

CrimsonTautology commented 9 years ago

It seems Valve has finally pulled the plug on the deprecated XML API used by this plugin to gather information about a given Steam profile. We will probably have to switch to the ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries interface from the Web Api instead.

I only use the Ruby version but I assume this affects the Java and PHP libraries as well.

koraktor commented 9 years ago

This wouldn’t be the first time that the XML API is unavailable. I guess it might recover within a few minutes or hours. For how long did you experience those errors?

CrimsonTautology commented 9 years ago

I noticed it several times last evening in my error logs and went to check again this morning and it was still down. Just seemed like a long period of time for it to be down.

koraktor commented 9 years ago

Ok, maybe Valve is serious now.

Anyway, please leave future comments in issue #195 as this is the main issue for the (pretty stagnant) Web API migration.