koraktor / steam-condenser

A multi-language library for querying the Steam Community, Source, GoldSrc servers and Steam master servers
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XML data could not be parsed/redirection forbidden error #321

Open davidc538 opened 5 years ago

davidc538 commented 5 years ago

even just this line of code... acc = SteamId.from_steam_id('STEAM_0:0:16889404') gives me the following error... XML data could not be parsed: redirection forbidden: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197994044536?xml=1 -> https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197994044536?xml=1 am I missing a gem or something?

koraktor commented 5 years ago

Looks like Valve started redirecting to HTTPS (which is good). Apparently open-uri doesn’t like the redirect, though. I’ll have a look if there’s a global option for that as a workaround. Another workaround would be monkey-patching SteamId#base_url.

davidc538 commented 5 years ago

It looks like this issue is solved by using RVM to install ruby 2.5 instead of ruby 2.3 from the debian repos. Maybe the base_url in the gem should be changed?