koralium / flowtide

Streaming integration engine
Apache License 2.0
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Change startup configuration of Flowtide with Dependency Injection #456

Closed Ulimo closed 4 months ago

Ulimo commented 4 months ago

Today it is a bit complicated to setup a stream when getting started.

A new project should be created called "FlowtideDotNet.DependencyInjection" The "AspNetCore" project will reference this project and use it for the startup. The new project is created to not require a dependency on AspNetCore.

The suggestion on how to setup Flowtide looks like the following:

 .AddConnectors((connectorManager, serviceProvider) => {
 .AddStorage(b => {
     b.UseAzureStorage(connectionString, "containerName");

How connectors are handled needs to be changed, today they are added to the ReadWriteFactory as functions that create the source or sink.

Instead each connector should create a factory class that can implement IConnectorSourceFactory, IConnectorSinkFactory, IConnectorSqlTableProvider.

When adding a source, the factory added should atleast implement IConnectorSourceFactory. If it also implements IConnectorSqlTableProviderFactory, it will be used when created the substrait plan.