korbinian90 / ROMEO

Executables for ROMEO unwrapping for Linux, Windows and Mac OSX
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Problem with coil combination using the romeo binary #12

Closed mavel101 closed 1 year ago

mavel101 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this nice unwrapping tool.

I have a problem when I run the romeo binary with 5D magnitude and phase data (2-echo scans). The coil combination seems to be not working correctly as the combined magnitude images lose all contrast and are very noisy.

If I do a 2 step unwrapping, running the mcpc3ds binary first, the coil combined images look fine. These are my command line inputs: 1 step: bin/romeo -p phs.nii.gz -m mag.nii.gz --no-rescale -B -t [2.42,4.84] -o . 2 step: bin/mcpc3ds -m mag.nii.gz -p phs.nii.gz -t [2.42,4.84] --no-phase-rescale -o . bin/romeo -p combined_phase.nii -m combined_mag.nii --no-rescale -B -t [2.42,4.84] -o .

mag.nii.gz and phs.nii.gz are both 5D images [x,y,z,echo,coil].

I am using the standalone executables.

korbinian90 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting this! I will try to reproduce it

korbinian90 commented 1 year ago

The problem should be solved in the newest release. The problem was that the combination didn't use the magnitude at all and the written combined magnitude was similar to a "combination quality map". Thanks again for finding and reporting this!