korbinian90 / ROMEO

Executables for ROMEO unwrapping for Linux, Windows and Mac OSX
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Build crashes with "wrong argument formatting! too many arguments" #18

Closed LeeReid1 closed 9 months ago

LeeReid1 commented 9 months ago

I've followed the build instructions in the related repo. After a fairly long build process, what I presume is a test is run:

./romeo/bin/romeo /some/path/to/romeo/julia-packages/dev/CompileMRI/test/data/small/Phase.nii -o /tmp/jl_OnIrwFyvaj -t 1:3 -k nomask

This results in

wrong argument formatting!
too many arguments

Causing the build (test?) process to abort.

The issue is that there is no -p flag placed before the filename

korbinian90 commented 9 months ago

Thank you for reporting this, I recently changed a few things and must have messed up something in the process. I will investigate it, but it might take some time until I get to it.

Here is an alternative way of running the same ROMEO cmd interface, without needing to compile anything: https://github.com/korbinian90/ROMEO.jl#usage---command-line I think there should be no disadvantages compared to the compiled version. I plan to suggest this as the new default method, since compilation is not yet officially supported by julia and causes problems from time to time.

korbinian90 commented 9 months ago

It seems like another "big" issue with the compilation approach might be the CUDA support. One of the packages (clearswi) got support for QSM on GPUs, and this makes the package compiler include the whole 1.6GB CUDA_Runtime library.

In any case, I changed the romeo test and added the -p flag like you suggested. Thanks again!

korbinian90 commented 9 months ago

This should be resolved now. Please open again, if the issue remains