korbinian90 / ROMEO

Executables for ROMEO unwrapping for Linux, Windows and Mac OSX
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Push to Docker Hub #4

Open tsalo opened 4 years ago

tsalo commented 4 years ago

This stems from https://github.com/korbinian90/ROMEO/issues/3#issuecomment-665064483. It would be helpful (especially for OSX usage) to add a Dockerfile and push automatically to Docker Hub (https://hub.docker.com). Singularity users can also build from Docker Hub images, so that would help them as well.

korbinian90 commented 4 years ago

It might take some time until I get to do it (and I haven't done anything with docker before).

In the meantime you could try to compile ROMEO for Mac on your machine, it should be ideally only 4 commands (if everything works like in Windows and Linux): https://github.com/korbinian90/CompileMRI.jl

tsalo commented 4 years ago

I actually wrote a small Dockerfile here that I've been using. I'm not Docker expert, though, so it's probably bloated in some ways. If it would help, please feel free to grab that one and adapt it.

stebo85 commented 2 years ago

The http://neurodesk.github.io/ project provides docker and singularity images of Romeo :)