kordamp / kordamp-gradle-plugins

A collection of Gradle plugins
Apache License 2.0
138 stars 25 forks source link

subproject not created #437

Closed musketyr closed 3 years ago

musketyr commented 3 years ago

if you checkout https://github.com/agorapulse/dru/commit/7169916ef2553867336c626b1de4a57f054e3fdc then the project libs/dru-parser-yaml is not loaded if Kordamp is set to 0.42.1

git clone git@github.com:agorapulse/dru.git
git checkout 7169916ef2553867336c626b1de4a57f054e3fdc
./gradlew projects -PkordampPluginVersion=0.42.1
musketyr commented 3 years ago

double submission of #436