kordwarshuis / cardgame

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New Card Ideas #72

Closed henkvancann closed 3 years ago

henkvancann commented 3 years ago

https://github.com/kordwarshuis/cardgame/wiki/New-card-ideas The wiki can't be managed with git?, which is a pain, because we tend to create multiple version of pages over several repo's....

We need to find out how to sync with git. Maybe move wiki to .md files in the root of the repo?

henkvancann commented 3 years ago

I've created a card for the first idea ( https://twitter.com/amosdoornbos/status/1227123055098499072?s=19) here, card nr 72 (what a coincidence with the issue# :) : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O31PItVsmfGBHpyESOfPkCwHu_Hh_qvcwDfqWiaiZCg/edit#gid=1042086149

kordwarshuis commented 3 years ago

https://github.com/kordwarshuis/cardgame/wiki/New-card-ideas The wiki can't be managed with git?, which is a pain, because we tend to create multiple version of pages over several repo's....

We need to find out how to sync with git. Maybe move wiki to .md files in the root of the repo?

“Any GitHub wiki can be cloned by appending wiki.git to the repo url, so the clone url for the repo https://myorg/myrepo/ is: git@github.com:myorg/myrepo.wiki.git (for ssh) or https://github.com/my/myrepo.wiki.git (for https).

You make edits, and commit and push your changes, like any normal repo. This wiki repo is distinct from any clone of the project repo (the repo without wiki.get appended).” https://gist.github.com/subfuzion/0d3f19c4f780a7d75ba2

kordwarshuis commented 3 years ago

Addition to Bitcoin and Energy: https://overcast.fm/+Xf9FRxi_E/21:17 Not Bitcoin is the big enery consumer but the inflationary economy is.

henkvancann commented 3 years ago

Addition to Bitcoin and Energy: https://overcast.fm/+Xf9FRxi_E/21:17 Not Bitcoin is the big enery consumer but the inflationary economy is.

Please separate issue with label "new idea" and 'Amendment Card ....' in title, then please the following info attached:

  1. The link the card in the game
  2. Handle of the person we cite
  3. The citation that goes with the link
  4. The link to the content that improves the answer to the misconception
henkvancann commented 3 years ago


Card: https://blockchainbird.com/t/btc/card/unsustainable @micheal_saylor : "Not Bitcoin is the big energy consumer, but the inflationary economy is." https://overcast.fm/+Xf9FRxi_E/21:17

Card: {1} {2} : "{3}" {4}

Feel free to indicate in text how and where (in which column) to work the amendments in the cards https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O31PItVsmfGBHpyESOfPkCwHu_Hh_qvcwDfqWiaiZCg/edit#gid=1042086149

henkvancann commented 3 years ago

Issue closed, wiki deleted, per new idea we have a new issue with label 'new idea' and work process to get that idea into the card stack