kordwarshuis / cardgame

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Disqus alternative to build an input and input ranking work process around the content of cards and suggested text accompaniment #98

Open henkvancann opened 3 years ago

henkvancann commented 3 years ago

[14:10, 24/11/2020] Henk van Cann: https://talk.hyvor.com - https://muut.com - https://intensedebate.com , please look at these as an alternative for Disqus, which is a security breach.

Also: https://hackmd.io, markdown Google Doc like editor, fully integrated with GIT, fine grained user-rights model, vscode plugin, etc.

Continue in Dutch about costs:

Hyvor talk business is 30 euro per maand

Muut - small is 35 euro per maand

https://intensedebate.com dat is een wordpress site, ik heb er een account aangemaakt dan kun je spelen ermee. Inloggen via WORDPRESS.COM account (staat als optie aangegeven) username : hvancann@2value.nl, password via Signal [14:29, 24/11/2020] Henk van Cann: ik zie geen commercieel model bij Intensedebate nog.

HackMD.io - Public Team, Build your community, with open collaboration Shared team space gets, everyone on the same page, US$ 5 Per user per month Starts at $10 per month for 4 users

henkvancann commented 3 years ago

Please spend 2 hrs on the 4 alternatives, criteria