kore3lab / dashboard

Kubernetes multi-clusters dashboard
Apache License 2.0
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Support for cross-cluster resource retrieval and retrieving of multiple resource types #122

Open Iceber opened 2 years ago

Iceber commented 2 years ago

Hi, I found this multi-cluster dashboard project, I really like the functionality and interface of this dashboard, I think clusterpedia can extend this project to support cross-cluster resource retrieval, and can retrieve multiple resource types simultaneously.

Clusterpedia is a cncf sandbox project for complex retrieval of resources across clusters. The clusterpedia is compatible with Kubernetes OpenAPI, everyone can get a quick overview of clusterpedia’s basic functionality through https://github.com/clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia#usage-samples

Clusterpedia upport for importing Kubernetes 1.10+, and use Collection Resource to retrieve different types of resources, such as Deployment, DaemonSet, StatefulSet

$ kubectl get collectionresources
any             *
workloads       deployments.apps,daemonsets.apps,statefulsets.apps
kuberesources   .*,*.admission.k8s.io,*.admissionregistration.k8s.io,*.apiextensions.k8s.io,*.apps,*.authentication.k8s.io,*.authorization.k8s.io,*.autoscaling,*.batch,*.certificates.k8s.io,*.coordination.k8s.io,*.discovery.k8s.io,*.events.k8s.io,*.extensions,*.flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io,*.imagepolicy.k8s.io,*.internal.apiserver.k8s.io,*.networking.k8s.io,*.node.k8s.io,*.policy,*.rbac.authorization.k8s.io,*.scheduling.k8s.io,*.storage.k8s.io

Would you like kore-dashboard to provide cross-cluster resource retrieval and retrieval of multiple resource types through Clusterpedia?

itnpeople commented 2 years ago

thanks. it's a good suggestion.

I just read the clusterpedia github "readme.md". We reviewed it at the design stage, but we couldn't find the right solution at the time, so we are currently developing it by ourselves using ConfigMap. I thinks that it is necessary to consider.

(get help from "https://translate.google.com")

Iceber commented 2 years ago

I believe the cooperation between open source projects will make kore-dashboard and clusterpedia better.

If there are any questions or ideas, we can always communicate.