koreader / kindlepdfviewer

(DEPRECATED, please use KOReader instead) A PDF (plus DJVU, ePub, TXT, CHM, FB2, HTML...) viewer made for e-ink framebuffer devices, using muPDF, djvulibre, crengine
GNU General Public License v3.0
498 stars 98 forks source link

Rename KPV for the new version? #705

Closed houqp closed 11 years ago

houqp commented 11 years ago

The new ui code base is gradually getting stable and usable now for Touch devices, which means we might do the first release in the near future. Since KPV is not only a pdf reader any more, I think it is a good opportunity to rename the new version of reader.

Several reasons for the renaming:

I think unireader could be a good candidate ;p

Any thoughts?

chrox commented 11 years ago

There seems to be a Unireader project already on Symbian platform. http://www.vladest.org/pdfreader.html

kai771 commented 11 years ago

@houqp Currently, the old version is still the best reader for Keyboard devices. I beg to differ :P

houqp commented 11 years ago

@chrox , um... let's come up with another name then...

@kai771 , I mean the old code base. But I won't say librerator is the best either ;p KPV and libre both has its strengths.

kai771 commented 11 years ago

There is no strength that KPV has and Librerator doesn't :P.

But joking aside, Librerator is KPV. Just a tiny bit different. And if I may join you in brainstorming... what do you think about "TheReader"? Too plain?

mayabtlaloc commented 11 years ago

"Teamreader" or "Unionreader" , maybe ?

tigran123 commented 11 years ago

What does @hwhw think about the new name? It is his baby we are thinking about renaming after all..

How about Kindlereader abbreviated as KR? Or Kreader, again abbreviated as KR?

hwhw commented 11 years ago

It long outgrew my parental sphere, thanks to you all! It started as a proof-of-concept, mupdf plus a bit of glue code, and look what it has become! And it really needs a new name - the old one is misleading now.

I'm quite fond of KReader - it would leave out citing the full "Kindle" name (trademark?), is short (forum post topics!) and very versatile.

tigran123 commented 11 years ago

Yes, I forgot that "Kindle" might be a trademark. So, yes, KReader is much safer :)

tigran123 commented 11 years ago

There is a program called kreader but it doesn't matter because it is just some commercial ($500!) stuff for windoz, so it lives in a "different namespace universe" so to speak.

hwhw commented 11 years ago

Not an easy decision, we should definitely sleep one or two nights over this. I'm not that comfortable with that name clash... Hm. In most cases, my creative ideas come in the morning, typically when I'm in the shower :-)

tigran123 commented 11 years ago

Ok, let's all think about a good name and Google for it to make sure there is no clash before suggesting.

houqp commented 11 years ago

or maybe kimtar for "kimtar is more than a reader" ;p

tigran123 commented 11 years ago

How about GNU Reader = GNUReader? There is nothing called that at the moment and it reflects both the license it is released under and more generally the spirit of freedom and cooperation, like GNU Linux.

(there is a "greader" = unofficial Google Reader for Android, so the abbreviated form "greader" is not available, but I don't see why "GNUReader" should not be considered)

mayabtlaloc commented 11 years ago

I like that, but maybe if we add "k" no problem, "KGNUreader" will shorten as "kgr" , I searched google and there is only something like KGNU that is an independent, non-commercial community radio. It is nothing that relates to readers.!

chrox commented 11 years ago

How about Koreader for Kindle optimized reader?

mayabtlaloc commented 11 years ago

very good too

houqp commented 11 years ago

GNUReader, KGNUReader and KOReader all sound good to me :)

For that KGNUReader, we can also use GNUKReader.

eLiNK2gl commented 11 years ago


tigran123 commented 11 years ago

So far I like GNUKReader (gkr) most.

Also, GNUKRF (GNU Kindle Reading Framework) is a possible candidate, dignifying this software with the notion of being "more than just a reader", i.e. it is a whole self-contained "framework" that one can stay in and forget about the original Amazon's framework, like many users do (on DXG I do it myself).

houqp commented 11 years ago

GNUKRF is a good name for the framework, I like it :)

dracodoc commented 11 years ago

KRF may reminds people KIRF... This is my suggestions:

  1. KReader for original KPV, here K also means Keyboard
  2. KReader Touch for the new version, stress the new Touch UI, working for Kindle Touch and Paperwhite, and it's based on Keyboard version KReader.
  3. KReader Framework for the framework, and the framework is shared by keyboard version and touch version.

I think it's both ok whether to change the name of the old version. If the change is easy, it can be changed. If the change is not easy, it can just leave as is.

I found kreader is a existing product name but it's totally different. We can use "KReader for Kindle" as official full name in introduction and description, and just use KReader in discussion and program names. I think this will be safe enough.

tigran123 commented 11 years ago

Actually the "Touch" suffix is a very good idea, like "Vim" and "Vim Touch" for Android version of Vim. So, why don't we use minimalistic approach and keep "KPV" for the old version and call the new version "KPV Touch"? Here "P" does not have to stand for "PDF" --- in fact, the whole "KPV" doesn't have to stand for anything but just be a proper name.

PS. E.g. in the early 1990s I used to work for a company called "DST International" and "DST" did not really stand for anything (only the ancient "founding fathers" remembered that it stood for "Data SysTems" --- the name signifying that the company promoted the new idea of using computers as opposed to paper and abacus for financial calculations ;)

dracodoc commented 11 years ago

I agree, just keep the KPV name and add touch suffix is good enough.

mayabtlaloc commented 11 years ago

I do not like, it has to be something more "original", previous seemed better

houqp commented 11 years ago

Yes, the name can be combined with initials that does not mean anything. But wouldn't it be better if they actually mean something? So when someone see GKReader, they instantly know it's a reader :P

kfix commented 11 years ago

Just throwing ideas some out here: FreeK Reader BookPager RePager InkReader ThinkReader ReflowReader MagnaReader Magnifiche

I would not use GNU in the name unless you want to associate the development with the FSF, who historically demands some say in various license-unrelated matters.

chrox commented 11 years ago

Koreader [kəˈriːdə] abbreviation for Kindle Open source Reader or Kindle Optimized Reader An open source reader optimized for Kindle devices, supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, MOBI and other major e-book document formats.

Update: I agree with @kfix. The GNU prefix could make people associate this project with the FSF. Actually I always believe that software named GNU* is/was developed by R.M.S. :P

hwhw commented 11 years ago

I like it (KoReader)!

houqp commented 11 years ago

I agree with @kfix. The GNU prefix could make people associate this project with the FSF. Actually I always believe that software named GNU* is/was developed by R.M.S. :package:

Same felling, LOL

I would also vote for KoReader :)

tigran123 commented 11 years ago

I disagree about GNU prefix and what comes to mind is Linus Torvalds' words (my paraphrase, probably not accurate) "if you got something out of a free software project and give nothing in return, then you are a pig!" We all got so much out of GNU (not just RMS personally, but the entire concept or "ecosphere" as is now fashionable to call it) that it seems only fair to give back a recognition that we are under the same philosophical umbrella.

But I have no objection to KoReader --- sounds good to me, with or without GNU prefix :)

Only can we make it Koreader (or better even "koreader") to avoid pressing Shift twice in one word, please?

(Btw, the only slight problem with "koreader" is that it may give an impression that it is for Korean books only ;)

mayabtlaloc commented 11 years ago

It could also give the impression of referring to kobo reader. But what about if we reverse the order and call: optimized kindle reader, then it would be called "OKreader", it sounds nice, friendly. "OKR". or also "KUreader" universal Kindle reader, so do not give the impression of something else. "KUR" Its Just an opinion, if not so, I sympathize with what is agreed.

tigran123 commented 11 years ago

Actually, that is very good! I like OKReader or OKR in abbreviated form. It sounds both nice, friendly and even a little bit funny --- I think we all need a bit of fun sometimes, not to take both ourselves and everything else too seriously...

And it can stand for "Open Kindle Reader", i.e. "open" in the sense of "opensource". Really, so far, imho, OKReader is the best.

otichy commented 11 years ago

What about KindReader or Kinder?

tigran123 commented 11 years ago

I don't like KindReader and Kinder is even worse.

Ok, the "OKReader" may not be the most serious of all names, but it is simple, friendly and funny, doesn't conflict with anything and has a nice abbreviation OKR (close to "OCR" so it will stay in humans' memory once it gets there).

houqp commented 11 years ago

OKR looks good to me too

mayabtlaloc commented 11 years ago

I also agree "Open Kindle Reader" or "Optimized Kindle Reader" it is very good, "OKReader" sounds great!

kfix commented 11 years ago

OKReader reminds me of the album "OK, Computer". Catchy

houqp commented 11 years ago

KOReader is finally picked as the new name. Thanks again for everyone participated in the brain storm :+1:

First release will be out soon :)