koreader / koreader-base

Base framework offering a Lua scriptable environment for creating document readers
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Monolibtic koreader library #1920

Open benoit-pierre opened 2 weeks ago

benoit-pierre commented 2 weeks ago

After fixing the libraries sonames on Android in #1907 (to fix https://github.com/koreader/koreader/issues/12348), the dynamic linker on API level 18 (and 19 too I assume) craps out during symbol resolution (cf. comment).

The only way I could get around those type of issues on my meson branch was to bundle (almost) everything into one big library, and this PR does just that.

At first I tried a partial solution, not bundling in native Lua modules, but of course this just resulted in the dynamic loader having another symbol resolution fit when attempting to load common/ssl.so… So you get the full monty, native Lua modules included, no shared objects in assets.7z. The final list of native libraries is:

    71864  1981-01-01 01:01   lib/arm64-v8a/lib7z.so
  1014704  1981-01-01 01:01   lib/arm64-v8a/libc++_shared.so
     4728  1981-01-01 01:01   lib/arm64-v8a/libioctl.so
 18639648  1981-01-01 01:01   lib/arm64-v8a/libkoreader-monolibtic.so
    19584  1981-01-01 01:01   lib/arm64-v8a/libluajit-launcher.so
   689520  1981-01-01 01:01   lib/arm64-v8a/libluajit.so
  1908280  1981-01-01 01:01   lib/arm64-v8a/libsdcv.so

For now, monolibtic mode is only enabled for Android (but I tested the emulator and kindlepw2 builds too).

On Android, there's no need for the sdcv and libs symlinks in the application files directory anymore: both executable and libraries are directly loaded from the application native libraries directory (fixing this corner case).


ffi.loadlib module

Apart from a host of commits to facilitate bundling everything, another big change is the ffi.loadlib helper, replacing ffi.load and util.ffiLoadCandidates for loading our libraries.

Example use:

function util.loadSDL2()
    if libSDL2 == nil then
        local ok
        ok, libSDL2 = pcall(ffi.loadlib,
            "SDL2-2.0", 0,
            "SDL2-2.0", nil,
            "SDL2", nil
        if not ok then
            print("SDL2 not loaded:", libSDL2)
            libSDL2 = false
    return libSDL2 or nil

On Linux, the code will attempt to load libSDL2-2.0.so.0 in libs/ and then from the system, then libSDL2-2.0.so if that failed, and fallback to trying libSDL2.so.

In monolibtic mode, loading a bundled library will ffi.load the monolibtic library. A custom package loader handle the require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") case.

Code size

Impact on code size (bss+data+text, ignoring executables and the cURL library):

build master monolibtic
Android (ARM) 20.0 MB 15.1 MB (-4.9 MB, -24.5 %)
Android (ARM64) 28.2 MB 21.2 MB (-7.0 MB, -24.8 %)
Android (x86) 28.8 MB 25.0 MB (-3.8 MB, -13.2 %)
Android (x86_64) 31.5 MB 27.1 MB (-4.4 MB, -14.0 %)
AppImage 30.7 MB 26.7 MB (-4.0 MB, -13.0 %)
Kindle PW2 18.7 MB 16.1 MB (-2.7 MB, -13.9 %)

Impact on memory use: a slight increase at startup (starting with the FM, +0-2 MB), but a reduction after opening a few documents of different types (-2-8 MB).


If the solution is accepted, split the change into smaller PRs for merging: preliminary cleanups, ffi.loadlib module / helper, FFI cdecls cleanups, cURL static build, other static libraries support, final monolitic commit.

This change is Reviewable

poire-z commented 2 weeks ago

For now, monolibtic mode is only enabled for Android

I don't mind for Android, but I hope this won't go further - I would like to keep my kobo nightlies with smaller libraries I can quickly compile independantly without having to rebuild the whole thing.

(And on principle, I don't like the idea of a single monolithic library, but what do I know.) Also, I remember that when I tested it months ago on my Kobo, it wasn't at all faster than a current nightly.

benoit-pierre commented 2 weeks ago

Test builds:

NiLuJe commented 2 weeks ago

No strong opinions about it as long as it stays Android-specific in practice ;).