koreader / koreader

An ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2 and many more formats, running on Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook and Android devices
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
16.84k stars 1.26k forks source link

Cannot open KOreader after failed upgrade on Pocketbook InkPad Color 3 #11735

Closed ly-pa closed 6 months ago

ly-pa commented 6 months ago


KOreader will not open after I tried to upgrade (hangs forever). I've also tried updating manually by downloading the release from Github and pasting it into the root but it still won't start any more.

Steps to reproduce

I opened up KOreader v2024.03.1 and tried to upgrade in app. The upgrade failed and now the app will not start. The crash.log seems to be saying it's an unknown model number so I wonder if it relates to this change:

crash.log (if applicable)
  _  _____  ____                _
 | |/ / _ \|  _ \ ___  __ _  __| | ___ _ __
 | ' / | | | |_) / _ \/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
 | . \ |_| |  _ <  __/ (_| | (_| |  __/ |
 |_|\_\___/|_| \_\___|\__,_|\__,_|\___|_|

 It's a scroll... It's a codex... It's KOReader!

 [*] Current time: 04/30/24-16:23:56
 [*] Version: v2024.03.1

ffi.load: libs/libutf8proc.so.3
ffi.load: blitbuffer
ffi.load: inkview
04/30/24-16:23:57 INFO  SoftwareVersion:  U743k3.6.8.2480 
ffi.load: inkview
program_name = [./luajit], basename = [luajit], init_string = [/P7.Sink=Null /P7.Pool=128 /P7.Format="{%ts}[%fs:%fl] %lv %ms"]
program init string = [(null)]
default init string = [(null)]
Atached mp shm: id 0 addr a6f95000 size 17624
attach_shm: mtfb key=251380901 size=8409872
Atached mtfb shm: id 28005 addr a3a20000 size 8409872
Starting task - koreader.app
flags: 0x00100080
gpid: 1189
fb=0xa3a20000 xres=1872 yres=1404 scanline=5616 vdepth=24 orient=0
attach_shm: mttempfb key=251308714 size=2665728
Atached mttempfb shm: id 8001 addr a3795000 size 2665728
Atached mqueue: id 8001
[hw_setglobalkeymask] gka0 = 4000002; gka1 = c800002; gka2 = 0
OpenTheme: /ebrmain/themes/Line.pbt
Theme real name: Line
ts: loading default calibration values
TOUCHMATRIX: 0 0 10000 18720000 -10000 0
attach_shm: mtfb key=251380901 size=8409872
Atached mtfb shm: id 28005 addr a1c6c000 size 8409872
ffi.load: librt.so
ffi.load: inkview
[1195 : ./luajit] (hw_nextevent)mq_receive ret -1 (Resource temporarily unavailable)
ffi.load: inkview
04/30/24-16:23:57 INFO  initializing for device PBInkPadColor3 
04/30/24-16:23:57 INFO  framebuffer resolution: {
  h = 1872,
  w = 1404
} --[[table: 0xa6bf9e48]] 
ffi.load: libs/libmupdf.so
ffi.load: libs/libwrap-mupdf.so
ffi.load: sqlite3
ffi.load: libs/libfreetype.so.6
ffi.load: libs/libharfbuzz.so.0
ffi.load: libs/libzstd.so.1
04/30/24-16:23:58 INFO  opening file /mnt/ext1/Manga/Yotsubato/Yotsuba&! v06.cbz 
ffi.load: libs/liblept.so.5
ffi.load: libs/libk2pdfopt.so.2
04/30/24-16:23:58 INFO  Inhibiting user input 
04/30/24-16:23:58 INFO  Loading plugins from directory: plugins 
04/30/24-16:23:58 WARN  Terminal: cannot open /dev/ptmx: No such file or directory 
04/30/24-16:23:58 WARN  Terminal: Device doesn't meet some of the plugin's prerequisites 
04/30/24-16:23:58 INFO  setting zoom mode to contentwidth 
04/30/24-16:24:00 INFO  Restoring user input handling 
[1195 : ./luajit] (hw_ban_suspend)BAN SUSPEND sec[5]
[1195 : ./luajit] (hw_ban_suspend)BAN SUSPEND sec[5]
04/30/24-16:25:41 INFO  Inhibiting user input 
04/30/24-16:25:43 INFO  Restoring user input handling 
04/30/24-16:25:44 INFO  Inhibiting user input 
04/30/24-16:25:47 INFO  Restoring user input handling 
04/30/24-16:25:53 INFO  Inhibiting user input 
04/30/24-16:26:22 INFO  Restoring user input handling 
[FBInk] Unidentified PocketBook model: `PB743K3`!
Segmentation fault
./tar: Removing leading `../' from member names
./tar: Removing leading `../' from hard link targets
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
/bin/sh: syntax error: you disabled math support for $((arith)) syntax
[FBInk] Unidentified PocketBook model: `PB743K3`!
[FBInk] Detected a PocketBook (Unidentified)
[FBInk] Device appears to be running on an AW B288 SoC!
[FBInk] Clock tick frequency appears to be 100 Hz
[FBInk] Screen density set to 212 dpi
[FBInk] Variable fb info: 1872x1404, 32bpp @ rotation: 2 (Upside Down, 180°)
[FBInk] Fixed fb info: ID is "", length of fb mem: 5256576 bytes & line length: 7488 bytes
[FBInk] Virtual resolution: 1872x2808
[FBInk] xres_virtual -> 1888
[FBInk] yres_virtual -> 1408
[FBInk] line_length -> 7552
[FBInk] yres_virtual => 1408
[FBInk] line_length <- 7488
[FBInk] xres_virtual <- 1872
[FBInk] yres_virtual <- 2808
[FBInk] xres_virtual => 1872
[FBInk] Enabled PocketBook rotation quirks (1872x1404 -> 1404x1872)
[FBInk] Fontsize set to 16x16 (IBM base glyph size: 8x8)
[FBInk] Line length: 87 cols, Page size: 117 rows
[FBInk] Pen colors set to #000000 for the foreground and #FFFFFF for the background
Segmentation fault
[FBInk] Unidentified PocketBook model: `PB743K3`!
Segmentation fault
[FBInk] Unidentified PocketBook model: `PB743K3`!
Segmentation fault
zsync2 version 2.0.0-alpha.1 (commit b4953c9), build <KOReader> built on 2024-03-05 20:46:13 UTC
 Checking for changes...
 Cannot find file ./ota/koreader.updated.tar, triggering delta download
 [FBInk] Unidentified PocketBook model: `PB743K3`!
Target file: /mnt/ext1/applications/koreader/./ota/koreader.updated.tar
 Reading seed file: ./ota/koreader.installed.tar

-------------------- 0.0% 
#####--------------- 26.5% 27013.1 kBps 0:02 ETA   
##########---------- 52.1% 26509.3 kBps 0:01 ETA   
##############------ 71.7% 24334.3 kBps 0:01 ETA   
#################### 100.0% 20858.0 kBps DONE    

 Usable data from seed files: 72.666267%
 Renaming temp file
 Fetching remaining blocks
 Downloading from http://ota.koreader.rocks/koreader-pocketbook-v2024.04.targz
 optimized ranges, old requests count 2580, new requests count 15

##############------ 72.7% 
##############------ 72.7% 8.2 kBps 113:56 ETA   
##############------ 73.3% 491.9 kBps 1:21 ETA   
##############------ 74.3% 767.9 kBps 0:47 ETA   
##############------ 74.4% 941.6 kBps 1:00 ETA   
##############------ 74.8% 1221.9 kBps 0:58 ETA   
###############----- 76.8% 1328.2 kBps 0:33 ETA   
################---- 82.5% 1445.0 kBps 0:12 ETA   
#################--- 87.3% 1480.5 kBps 0:06 ETA   
##################-- 92.7% 1540.8 kBps 0:03 ETA   
###################- 96.2% 1739.2 kBps 0:01 ETA   
###################- 97.0% 1783.1 kBps 0:01 ETA   
###################- 99.2% 1834.7 kBps 0:00 ETA   
###################- 100.0% 1823.1 kBps 0:00 ETA   
#################### 100.0% 1494.4 kBps DONE    

 Verifying downloaded file
 checksum matches OK
 used 74514432 local, fetched 20189088
 [FBInk] Unidentified PocketBook model: `PB743K3`!
Segmentation fault
04/30/24-16:27:13 INFO  Preparing to quit UIManager with exit code: 85 
04/30/24-16:27:13 INFO  UIManager: No dialogs left to show 
04/30/24-16:27:13 INFO  Tearing down UIManager with exit code: 85 

Frenzie commented 6 months ago

Does it work if you overwrite /applications/koreader/fbink with the one from the previous release?

ly-pa commented 6 months ago

No it doesn't help. I tried that, and then I also tried replacing the whole KOreader with the old version (whole /applications/ and /system/ folders with 2024.3.1) and it not longer works at all. It was totally fine before, version 2024.3.1 was working well and now neither work. The default reader and the rest of the Pocketbook works fine, it's just KOreader refuses to launch now and nothing gets added to crash.log.

Edit: I just managed to get it working (both 2024.3 and 2024.4) by totally deleting /applications/koreader and the .app files and installing again with the files from the github as a 'clean install'. I wonder if it it was something with the 'in app' updater that was the cause of the issue?

Frenzie commented 6 months ago

I think it's a duplicate of #11055.

grabi678 commented 6 months ago

Exactly the same happens to my Pocketbook Inkpad Color 3 when I try to update to 2024.04.

Frenzie commented 6 months ago

Closing in favor of https://github.com/koreader/koreader/issues/11055.