koreoliver / Portfolio-Project-KO

Portfolio Project
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HW Week 1 #1

Open koreoliver opened 9 years ago

koreoliver commented 9 years ago

@DiyahM, @keenahn, @LijieZhou

This project took me about an hour. I first created the directory and index.html file with command line. Then I looked at the PowerPoint slides to create the beginning of my portfolio in HTML. I wanted the social media links to open in a new browser window which I had learned before, so I looked at an old project to remind myself. Looking forward to learning how to make the photo smaller. At a Railsbridge workshop I already created an online resume at http://koreoliver.github.io/. I already have other content there, so I am wondering the best way to replace those files with these files. Thanks!

screenshot hw week 1

DiyahM commented 9 years ago

Hi @koreoliver - Looks great! You can size the photo using an img attribute width and/or height. Check out all the img attributes and how to use them here http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_img.asp. In the upcoming week, we'll learn how to do this using css.

Some other notes. When you create your project folder, create the git repository inside of the project folder. So, your commands may look like this when creating a new project and new local repo.

$ mkdir new-project
$ cd new-project
$ git init

There's no need to create another folder to hold the files. So, an example folder structure will look like this:

In addition, your operating system is creating a '.DS_Store' file. (this is very normal) However, typically we don't need to keep these files in our repository. A way to fix this is to create a .gitignore file and and .DS_Store to the file. Here are some instructions on how to create a .gitignore file. https://help.github.com/articles/ignoring-files/

Finally, if you would like to use the github provided user page and overwrite what exists now. Do the following in the terminal in your project folder.

$ git remote set-url origin https://github.com/koreoliver/koreoliver.github.io.git

This assumes that the name of your remote url on your computer is origin, and it points it to the koreoliver.github.io repo on github.

Next do:

$ git push origin master --force

This force pushes all of your files to repo and will overwrite what is currently there.

Let me know if you have any questions on this.

koreoliver commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the notes and tips @DiyahM. I resized the image and pushed the updated files to koreoliver.github.io/ and the new files overwrote the old ones. I didn't include another folder to hold the files this time. Should I push the updated index.html file here as well or use that other repository from now on for my portfolio project?

I had trouble creating a .gitignore file to keep the '.DS_Store' file from being added to the repository. Then I thought the file wasn't added when I checked git status. But it did get pushed to GitHub. I deleted the '.DS_Store'. file from GitHub itself which I realize is probably not the best way! I will reread the instructions on how to use .gitignore.

Thanks and see you tomorrow.

hw week 1 v2

DiyahM commented 9 years ago

You should push updates to the koreoliver.github.io repo from now on.

Also, once a file is already added to the repo and you add it to the gitignore, you have to remove it from the git cache. You can do this by running 'git rm --cached '