korfuri / django-prometheus

Export Django monitoring metrics for Prometheus.io
Apache License 2.0
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Fixed incompatibility with django-redis >= 4.12.0 #416

Open rzelazo opened 1 year ago

rzelazo commented 1 year ago

Fixed bug caused by trying to use global level logger variable from django_redis.cache that has been moved to django_redis.cache.RedisCache instance attribute since django-redis 4.12.0 release.

django-redis package allows to ignore cache exceptions by setting the "IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS": True key in the cache options in settings.py:

    "default": {
        # ...
        "OPTIONS": {
            "IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS": True,

or by defining the following global variable in settings.py:


When ignoring exceptions with IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS or DJANGO_REDIS_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS, you may optionally log exceptions using the global variable DJANGO_REDIS_LOG_IGNORED_EXCEPTIONS in your settings file:


django_prometheus RedisCache wrapper class respects these settings by inheriting them from django_redis.cache.RedisCache. However, in case when "ignore exceptions, but log them" strategy is used, django_prometheus RedisCache wrapper tries to access the global variable django_redis.cache.logger. Unfortunately, this variable has been moved from global variable to django_redis.cache.RedisCache instance attribute since django-redis 4.12.0 release (specifically by this commit https://github.com/jazzband/django-redis/commit/b7d64f0a80180ecfe8900407fbdf5e4196fa7a2a).

This commit fixes the bug simply by changing the reference to logger from django_redis.cache.logger global variable to the instance attribute logger inherited by django_prometheus RedisCache wrapper.