korlibs / korge

KorGE Game Engine. Multiplatform Kotlin Game Engine
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Complete game sample request #33

Open ferranpons opened 5 years ago

ferranpons commented 5 years ago


I found quite difficult to figure out how it works.

It would be very useful if you could add a complete game sample showing all the features included on the engine. I mean, the current samples does not show how are combined the features and the possibilities. It would be really useful something like a simple space invaders game. At least until the "Tutorial" section of the documentation is available.

Many thanks!

soywiz commented 5 years ago

Totally agree. What kind of sample game would you like to have first? I have donde using KorGE a 2048 clone using SWF. I can make a sample + tutorial for example to make a Lode Runner clone, that would cover tilemaps, sprites and entities. But maybe you are looking for something specific?

GiantNuker commented 5 years ago

Why dont you actually make the tutorial page in the doc?

soywiz commented 5 years ago

Yeah I'll add it to both: the samples and the tutorials pages.

ferranpons commented 5 years ago

@soywiz I would love you to make as much as you can, but If I have to choose maybe I would consider more important to have one simple complete game (space invaders) and one more advanced like you proposed with the lode runner clone. In order to make the learning curve more affordable. 😉

ferranpons commented 5 years ago

Things that I would like to be covered with the sample:

Basically, how to do the most simple things when game development, you know:

"How I put an image on the screen?" "What If I add a background?" "How I position the objects?" "What is the drawn order?" "How I animate a sprite?" "How I manage time?" "I could change the framerate?" "I want to put music and sound effect; How I do it?" "Now I want to add collisions; Where do I start?" "How I can create a menu?" ...

soywiz commented 5 years ago

Thanks @ferranpons ! That's really helpful :) I will try to cover all the suggested topics these holidays along bugfixes.

ferranpons commented 5 years ago

Thanks to you @soywiz! You are making a great job with Korge!

IMHO I think you are covering a needed space on the Android ecosystem where there are no game engines that could cover the possibility to make games, in an easy way, inside the current Android SDK, something similar to what "Andengine" did while ago. That's what attracted me on first instance.

Keep up the good work!

ysm-coder commented 5 years ago

Uhm if I as a completely beginner (who only created a game with java swing) can join the conversation: a solitaire tutorial would be nice with some deepnes (like the cards in your hand are higher positionet than the table and if you put the cards on the table they get lovered to the right lvl). I think games like hearthstone do this.

asm0dey commented 4 years ago

I think that what is really needed is tutorial like this: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/3.1/getting_started/step_by_step/your_first_game.html

Possibly even the same game with same sprites.

SerVB commented 4 years ago

When I learned LibGDX, I used this tutorial: http://www.kilobolt.com/zombie-bird-tutorial-flappy-bird-remake.html. It consists of about 12 stages but is pretty comprehensive. Maybe someone can adapt it to KorGE now or someday I will do that :)

soywiz commented 4 years ago

BTW. I put it in slack, but not here. A couple of years ago I did a small mmo sample along my wife using an older version of korge, ktor and kotlinx-serialization. Last week I updated it to the latest versions of the libraries, and published the demo again on my server.

You can find the code here: https://github.com/mmo-poc/mmo-poc And try it directly on your browser here: https://mmo.soywiz.com/

rishavs commented 4 years ago

IMO, the following tutorial series will be extremely helpful overall. I listed them in an increasing order of complexity.

SerVB commented 4 years ago

I'm still planning to prepare Flappy Bird guide, let's say during this summer. So if you want to write a guide but don't have any preference, please don't take Flappy Bird :)

UPD: Started.

Sources: https://github.com/SerVB/korge-zombie-bird .

Play online: https://servb.github.io/korge-zombie-bird-distribution/ .

UPD2: Not managing to do the guide in time, maybe in the future. However, the game is quite done and playable.

rishavs commented 4 years ago

I am working on Pong. Once I am done, I will add the sample to the repo.

Edit: Done with Pong. https://github.com/korlibs/korge-samples/pull/20

NOPROD commented 4 years ago

Hi !

I have a little research but in vain so I ask this here instead of opening an issue for nothing

Do you have a concrete example using Korinject?

I see this issue with a basic exemple (2 scene) : https://github.com/korlibs/korge/issues/144

Korinject is stable?


RezMike commented 4 years ago

I think, right now there is no official sample with korinject. There are known issues with it, but we haven't checked them yet, so probably there will be some changes in korinject in future.

soywiz commented 4 years ago

I'm not aware of known issues related to korinject (unless they are reported on other project): https://github.com/korlibs/korinject/issues The issues with scenes ( #144 ) is unverified right now as far as I known, and likely related to something else not directly related to korinject. Korinject library is just one file with a few classes, and it is pretty simple. Of course, it still might contain bugs, but we have been using it for a long time already and I haven't found issues myself that have not been fixed already.

NOPROD commented 4 years ago

@soywiz Thank you for this feedback I'll try and see if everything goes well ^^