korma / Korma

Tasty SQL for Clojure.
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[REQUEST] Help to implement Google Query Language #398

Open oVerde opened 5 years ago

oVerde commented 5 years ago

Hello there, I would love to make this happen but has little knowledge on how to.

Basically is to implement with Korma the Google Query Language: https://cloud.google.com/datastore/docs/reference/gql_reference

The grammar is

<query> :=
SELECT ( "*"
       | <property-name>+,
       | DISTINCT <property-name>+,
       | DISTINCT ON "(" <property-name>+, ")" "*"
       | DISTINCT ON "(" <property-name>+, ")" <property-name>+, )

[ FROM <kind> ]
[ WHERE <compound-condition> ]
[ ORDER BY ( <property-name> [ ASC | DESC ] )+,  ]
[ LIMIT ( <result-position> |
          FIRST "(" <result-position> ,
                    <result-position> ")" ) ]
[ OFFSET <result-position> [ "+" <result-position> ] ]

<compound-condition> := <condition>+AND

<condition> :=
  <property-name> IS NULL
| <property-name> <forward-comparator> <value>
| <value> <backward-comparator> <property-name>

<forward-comparator> :=

<backward-comparator> :=
| IN

<either-comparator> :=
| <
| <=
| >
| >=

<result-position> := <binding-site> | <integer-literal>

<value> :=
| <synthetic-literal>
| <string-literal>
| <integer-literal>
| <double-literal>
| <boolean-literal>
| <null-literal>

<synthetic-literal> :=
  KEY "("
    [ "PROJECT" "(" <string-literal> ")" "," ]
    [ "NAMESPACE" "(" <string-literal> ")" "," ]
    <key-path-element>+, ")"
| BLOB "(" <string-literal> ")"
| DATETIME "(" <string-literal> ")"

<key-path-element> :=
  <kind> "," ( <integer-literal> | <string-literal> )

<kind> := <name>

<property-name> := <name>+.

Also there are some other differences like

MySQL Differences

MySQL supports only LIMIT/OFFSET counts. Datastore GQL also supports LIMIT/OFFSET cursors. Datastore GQL supports an OFFSET without a LIMIT, MySQL does not. MySQL supports an offset count via keyword LIMIT, Datastore GQL does not. A MySQL literal string can contain a raw newline. A Datastore GQL literal string cannot. A MySQL literal string can -escape any character. A Datastore GQL literal string can only -escape a specified list of characters. A MySQL name can begin with a digit. A Datastore GQL name cannot. A Datastore GQL name can contain null characters. A MySQL name cannot. A quoted Datastore GQL name can contain -escaped characters. A quoted MySQL name interprets a \ as an ordinary character. MySQL has different operators, keywords, and predefined names than Datastore GQL.

I little of guidance of any helping soul will be pretty appreciated.