korn101 / PiNumberStation

Pi-based FM Number Station w/ basic Speech Synthesis.
MIT License
49 stars 19 forks source link

feature: number station over web radio (icecast+liquidsoap) #12

Closed hiryu85 closed 4 years ago

hiryu85 commented 5 years ago

Fixes #11



DonaldTsang commented 4 years ago

Happy new year, buddy. This is really promising I can tell you that. It seems that Azuracast is making a move to include RaspberryPi support to make things more convenient. But don't let that get you down, a lot can be done to make this a lightweight alternative.

A review on features:

  1. Audio playlist that has everything in "normal mode"
  2. Fading in and out of message on certain times of the day or week
  3. Message based on a designed spelling alphabet
  4. (bonus) message encryption by any form or means
  5. (bonus) usage of external m3us for extra playlist flexibility