kornelski / imgref

A trivial Rust struct for interchange of pixel buffers with width, height & stride
Apache License 2.0
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Trait for bitmaps with arbitrary impl #2

Open kornelski opened 6 years ago

kornelski commented 6 years ago

Currently the struct is tied to a particular layout/implementation and doesn't support:

So perhaps this should be a trait first and foremost.

federicomenaquintero commented 4 years ago

I was hoping to iterate on GdkPixbufs easily with imgref, but they do not guarantee that the stride is a multiple of the pixel size (by default rows are aligned to 32 bits even for packed RGB pixels; stride there can in fact be arbitrary).

I can hack around this by making my own iterator and the rgb crate, to cast &[u8] to &[RGB8].

What kind of trait were you envisioning? I may be able to work on this.

kornelski commented 4 years ago

Currently ImgRef<T> == Img<[T]>, but a buffer with a stride that isn't a multiple of the pixel size in Rust wouldn't be correctly defined as [PixelType] (since access in the middle would be "unaligned" from slice's perspective).

I see two ways around it:

  1. Ignore Rust's semantics of [T], and treat it as a byte buffer that T pixels can be read from. From implementation perspective that may be doable with enough unsafe code. Instead of buffer = &buffer[stride..] it could use pointer arithmetic (buffer as *const u8).add(stride_in_bytes) as *const PixelType. For unknown types it would still have to enforce stride to be multiple of size_of to be safe, but there could be an unsafe trait that opts in pixel types to be "unaligned".

  2. OR, make a breaking change. Be explicit about the container type being [u8] and use some other trait that describes pixel type, size and can make instances of it from byte slices. Something like ImgRef<T> where T: PixelFormat.

Maybe you could experiment with your own implementation. Lessons I've learned with this one:

In this issue I floated idea of making it a trait, like:

trait ImgLike {
  fn width(&self) -> usize;
  fn rows(&self) -> Self::RowsIter;
  type RowsIter;

because I was annoyed that Img<Vec<RGB>> and Img<[RGB]> aren't interchangeable. Due to Rust's limitations, I can't implement Deref or AsRef to convert between them as nicely as Vec<T> to [T].

But in practice having a concrete .as_ref() method to convert isn't too bad.

federicomenaquintero commented 4 years ago

OK, maybe I was thinking about this incorrectly. My first thought was, "OK, I have a buffer allocated by GdkPixbuf with whatever weird stride; imgref can help me turn it into something slice-like so I can operate on it safely".

A few weird things about GdkPixbuf:

I've solved the thing I wanted to solve in librsvg by just using the rgb crate and as_pixels() / as_pixels_mut() (while hoping for the best and ignoring alignment requirements of RGB8/RGBA8). So I don't really need to use imgref in librsvg. I'll definitely keep using rgb :)

(I guess this question is, do you intend imgref to be a "wrap me an &[u8] in a 2D slice", or am I just wanting to use it incorrectly.)

I do want to move librsvg away from depending on GdkPixbuf for image loading, and cairo ImageSurface for image operations, so imgref may come in handy with its owned images. We'll see.

kornelski commented 4 years ago

The third point is inherent to the problem, and imgref already has to deal with it. If you take a large bitmap where stride=width, and then make a sub image that is a view of its bottom right corner, you will have an image with stride>width, but the last row won't have any space for the full stride.

Fortunately RGB/RGBA is byte-aligned, so its fine to cast any buffer to it. It's only byte-based stride that makes it tricky to express the whole image as a slice.

This crate is supposed to be a Rusty type-safe Pixbuf. You can wrap vecs and slices into 2D images if they use buf[stride * y + x] to address pixels.