kornelski / mediancut-posterizer

Lossy PNG compressor for RGBA PNGs. Has two modes: lossy averaging filter (blurizer) that denoises the image and optimal posterization using Median Cut quantization to reduce number of unique colors in the image with minimal visual distortion
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License question #5

Closed lilith closed 10 years ago

lilith commented 10 years ago

I don't want to offend - if you're a big fan of the GPL I apologize - but as the developer of several OSS imaging libraries, I've found the Apache license (or even MIT/BSD) to encourage contributions much more effectively. Update 2016: I now use AGPLv3, and offer commercial licenses. Slightly fewer contributions but more effective overall at making projects sustainable

I originally released GPL/LGPL myself, but got 0 contributions. Under MIT/Apache I've seen hundreds....

What you've built here is fantastic; I'd love to integrate my libraries with it. But under the GPL, I'm unable to.

kornelski commented 10 years ago

I've released some BSD-licensed projects and I didn't see substantial difference in contributions.

I prefer GPL, because non-FOSS licenses allow certain things, like restricting software with DRM, that I don't want to support.