kornelski / pngquant

Lossy PNG compressor — pngquant command based on libimagequant library
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add output options png rgba32 #337

Closed Lee-lithium closed 5 years ago

Lee-lithium commented 5 years ago

sorry bother you again i use https://imageoptim.com/online compress png but compressed png compression ratio is bad (2kb~30kb)

i find another png compress tool kornelski/mediancut-posterizer that output rgba32 png and solved my color issue but output quality is not like pngquant have some quality loss

i test some art picture pngquant have a lot of color picture (RGBA32) -> (PAL8) get issue less color picture (RGBA32) -> (PAL8) no issue or issue is not obvious

mediancut-posterizer have a lot of color picture (RGBA32) -> (RGBA32) no color issue, but have some quality loss

i think use pngquant compress and output file is png RGBA32 can solved some color issue

kornelski commented 5 years ago

Use --quality and --skip-if-larger options in pngquant, and fallback to the posterizer when pngquant skips the file.

Lee-lithium commented 5 years ago

I read pngquant source code, pngquant algorithm is base on 8bit palette I understand my request is ridiculous, I'm sorry about that

I use mediancut-posterizer and pngquant compress some picture some factor will effect output picture quality picture include element and color, picture creator color style I think your method is best solution.

I have a little question, mediancut-posterizer this tool is still update?

kornelski commented 5 years ago

I don't actively work on mediancut-posterizer any more, but it should work.

Lee-lithium commented 5 years ago

the issue has finish, close issue thank you very much :)