korpling / ANNIS

ANNIS is an open source, versatile web browser-based search and visualization architecture for complex multilevel linguistic corpora with diverse types of annotation.
Apache License 2.0
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Cannot import files in the subfolder of ExData in a corpora folder #822

Closed fishfree closed 1 year ago

fishfree commented 1 year ago

A example corpora can be downloaded [here](https://codeload.github.com/CopticScriptorium/corpora/zip/refs/tags/v4.4.0). Because there are webfonts / css / other files in the ExData subfolder, all character get gibberish in the browser as the screenshot below: image

thomaskrause commented 1 year ago

The only example corpora we provide are linked from https://corpus-tools.org/annis/corpora.html It seems like the link to "abraham.our.father" and "apophthegmata.patrum.5" is broken, so I removed these links.

If you have a corpus that requires the use of web-fonts, you have to configure the the interface to use this web-font: http://korpling.github.io/ANNIS/4.10/user-guide/configuration/instances.html#embedding-web-fonts This is not a per-corpus configuration, but per ANNIS instance and is by design.