korsbo / Latexify.jl

Convert julia objects to LaTeX equations, arrays or other environments.
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Latex dependencies/debugging for `render` #274

Open cnrrobertson opened 7 months ago

cnrrobertson commented 7 months ago

I was getting cryptic failed process errors while trying to use render and ultimately dug up the main.log file in the temporary directory and found some missing dependencies in my Tex installation. Should these be documented somewhere?

I'm using BasicTex through Homebrew (which is a minimal installation and requires using tlmgr to add anything extra). The dependencies I needed to install were:

While I was going through the debugging process, I also thought it could be nice to wrap the process run in a try-catch to catch a failed process. If it was caught, the user could be pointed to the location of the main.log file (or it could be displayed to them) to give some insight to the problem.

All this being said, I didn't see any other issues here for render problems, so there may not be many of us with this issue. I'm guessing the above packages are part of TexLive and so most people won't have an issue.