Open nixsee opened 4 years ago
Hmm, there are lots of things that would be pretty tricky (and probably a matter of user preference) to get this write (eg, where in Page 2 do you add the link?)
I'd prefer to work on the api and allow people to implement this as they see fit.
Fair enough! Leave this alone, or close it if you like!
I'm currently creating various indexes that point to my notes. It would be really neat if there was a command that uses a search/autocomplete to create a link to the current file in the OTHER selected file. It is essentially the reverse of the current wikilinking function, where a link to the other file is created in the current file. It would need to go in some default place in the target file - in a YAML header above "---" perhaps?
Another related idea - some sort of Ctrl+Shift+Click feature to create a link to the current page in the page contained within the link that was clicked on (e.g. Page 1 has [[Page 2]] within it. This command would add [[Page 1]] to Page 2.
These features would be useful for making topical index notes - I have many index pages like "Inbox", "Nutrition", "Finance" which are full of links to specific pages on those topics. If I am on a new page on Vitamins that is not yet linked to Nutrition, I could add that link without having to open and type it. Or, in the header of Vitamins, I could manually add link in the header to Nutrition and Shopping List, and then create links in those summary pages by clicking.
I know there are backlinks, but this is an extra level of functionality.