korzhyk / Clover_GA-H97-D3H

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DSDT question #1

Closed Bobbm closed 8 years ago

Bobbm commented 8 years ago

i have almost same mobo, but i5-4460 and no external GFX

i am considering using/adapting your clover EFI setup.

i am H97M-D3H, a few minor differences, H97M H97 PCIe no (only 3.0) yes eSATA no yes M.2 no yes Aud ALC892 ALC1150 LAN Realtek intel

currently my config.plist uses "new way" DSDT patches, but I see that you do not.

Do you use a separate DSDT instead?

I am confused. thanks

korzhyk commented 8 years ago

Hi, I did't use a separate DSDT. Everything works great without modified DSDT. I use only https://github.com/korzhyk/Clover_GA-H97-D3H/blob/master/H97-D3H-CF/config.plist#L14 for correcting CPU GPU name. And CPU GPU https://github.com/korzhyk/Clover_GA-H97-D3H/blob/master/H97-D3H-CF/config.plist#L140 ingection ig-platform-id.

And you must use a working kexts for LAN and Audio (https://github.com/toleda/audio_RealtekALC or https://github.com/vit9696/AppleALC new)