kosayoda / nvim-lightbulb

VSCode 💡 for neovim's built-in LSP.
MIT License
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How to use this plugin? #29

Closed WDayu closed 2 years ago

WDayu commented 2 years ago

emmmm, I just want to know how to use this plugin like your gif. I have not see anything about your keybinds and other configure in readme file, so, what the hotkey you used in this gif, and what I should configure.

BTW, I'm a noob, may be this question is too low-level.


rockyzhang24 commented 2 years ago

This plugin just marks where the code actions are available. Code actions themselves are provided by language servers. So you need nvim-lspconfig to setup the servers you need. In nvim-lspconfig, you can setup a keymap to list code actions. The popup window in gif showing all available code actions is from telescope, which can accept anything and display them in a popup floating window.

WDayu commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much, it was really useful to solve my confusion