kosborn / p2p-adb

Phone to Phone Android Debug Bridge - A project for "debugging" phones... from other phones.
GNU General Public License v3.0
578 stars 188 forks source link

P2P-ADB issue connecting to target phone #23

Open rklinke opened 11 years ago

rklinke commented 11 years ago

I have a question, I was trying to work with the P2P-ADB and first issue I have was the alias adb=/home/usr/bin/adb statement, I tried to just uncomment it in the shell and it seemed not to work but when I just typed the command in it took and I was able to run the run.sh and it did connect to the target phone and I was able to run antiguard and get into the phone, then I tried to execute and install a package and the phone went back to lock mode and I could not get back to the target phone, I have power off/on both phones and now when I run the run.sh shell it just says "Waiting for phone to connect..." any ideas on what I should or maybe move all the files under a different directory ?? any help would be great.

KevinJoystick commented 9 years ago

I have the same problem... I wonder what would it be ? I don't have time to check if it the usb host! Let me know please.

ghost commented 9 years ago

@rklinke can you do a

whereis adb

on your phone?

denzuko commented 6 years ago

Duplicate of #36