kosenko / ui

Boost.UI library
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Integrating Boost::UI into the system #22

Closed UltraBlackLinux closed 1 year ago

UltraBlackLinux commented 1 year ago

Hey there, since I have now finally managed to build this project, I went right onwards to create a package and try this out. I am facing a problem though: How can I build my project? Jamfiles are overly complicated and I would just like to use g++ to compile the project. I did stumble upon this but trying that didn't yield any proper results. It would just fail to find the library.

My packaging process was the following:

  1. Compile boost and -ui
  2. Grab the .a and .so file and put them into /usr/lib, also creating a symlink without the extension
  3. Put the include stuff into /usr/include

You might wonder, why I am not just installing all of this stuff via boost directly - I already have it installed and would just like to only extend that, and this without leaving stray files in my filesystem that I would have to clean up manually.

Do you know, what I did wrong? Thanks!

UltraBlackLinux commented 1 year ago

Oh no I just forgot to add -lboost_ui - I am so happy that it works now :)

If you care about the arch package build, here it is (I just edited the boost package build): PKGBUILD.txt