kosenko / ui

Boost.UI library
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ui::window not working properly #24

Closed UltraBlackLinux closed 1 year ago

UltraBlackLinux commented 1 year ago

Hey there, I want to create a window with a frame and I wanted to achieve this with ui::window, but whenever I try to create it, nomatter how I do it, I always end up with /src/gtk/window.cpp(2787): assert ""parent"" failed in PreCreation(): Must have non-NULL parent or libs/ui/src/window.cpp(54): assert ""impl"" failed in title(): Widget should be created when using title(). Here is an example:

class Window : public ui::window {
    Window() : ui::window() {
    ui::vbox layout(*this);

Why is it not working? Thanks!

kosenko commented 1 year ago

boost::ui::window is an abstract class that can't be created, please use frame or dialog classes and specify title.