kosma / minmea

a lightweight GPS NMEA 0183 parser library in pure C
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
773 stars 250 forks source link

Is this repo actively maintained? If not, suggestions for a fork that is? or interested in another maintainer to help? #59

Closed cmorganBE closed 2 years ago

cmorganBE commented 2 years ago

We are seeing some build warnings here and wanted to see about fixing them but this looks unmodified for years now.

Anyone have a fork they are maintaining they'd recommend using instead? or an alternate library?

cmorganBE commented 2 years ago

And to be even more clear, if this project IS looking for a maintainer as at least a second person that can commit, let me know, I'd be interested and can provide my personal account as a reference so you know I'm not just some idiot on the internet :-)

kosma commented 2 years ago

I haven't had the time or energy recently, so I've gone ahead and added you as a collaborator. Feel free to do any spring cleaning that's due :) The library used to build warning-free but that was years ago, and compilers have become better over the years.

kosma commented 2 years ago

Also - even despite the lack of attention, I've been using the library in commercial project with success. It simply became feature-complete enough for me to stop adding new things - but of course there are still features/bugs that need work. I stopped paying active attention when the old CI setup broke and I couldn't easily verify changes; of course the world has changed and we have GitHub Actions now - but there's still the matter of setting things up...

PS. I am totally an idiot on the internet :D

cmorganBE commented 2 years ago


@kosma would you mind adding my private account as an maintainer? https://github.com/chmorgan

We use this library a bit and having it maintained is important to us so it makes sense for us to help out. Let me check on the CI setup as a first step, Github actions is pretty helpful.

cmorganBE commented 2 years ago

@kosma and you can reach me at chmorgan@gmail.com since I think github, for whatever reason, doesn't provide a way to reach out to users directly.

cmorganBE commented 2 years ago

@kosma and I'm reaching out to some of the active forks with interesting improvements to see if they'd be interested in pushing their changes upstream.