kosme / arduinoFFT

Fast Fourier Transform for Arduino
GNU General Public License v3.0
527 stars 153 forks source link

Issue with library dictionary #98

Open imjinoh opened 3 weeks ago

imjinoh commented 3 weeks ago

First, thanks for great project.

I have issue with version 2.x.x. when trying to use arduinoFFT in ArduinoIDE. This does not happen with version 1.6.2.

Device I am trying to use is M5stickC Plus2, esp32-pico-v3-02 base.

Please ignor m5 error. Is there something wrong with what I have done? I have been trying for few days and it just does not work.


C:\Users\HOME\Desktop\pano\evilClock-main\evilClock-main\evilClock\evilClock.ino:7:1: error: 'arduinoFFT' does not name a type; did you mean 'ArduinoFFT'?

arduinoFFT FFT = arduinoFFT();



C:\Users\HOME\Desktop\pano\evilClock-main\evilClock-main\evilClock\evilClock.ino: In function 'void setup()':

C:\Users\HOME\Desktop\pano\evilClock-main\evilClock-main\evilClock\evilClock.ino:14:6: error: 'class m5::M5Unified' has no member named 'Axp'



C:\Users\HOME\Desktop\pano\evilClock-main\evilClock-main\evilClock\evilClock.ino: In function 'void loop()':

C:\Users\HOME\Desktop\pano\evilClock-main\evilClock-main\evilClock\evilClock.ino:20:19: error: 'class m5::M5Unified' has no member named 'Axp'

 vReal[i] = M5.Axp.GetMicVoice();


C:\Users\HOME\Desktop\pano\evilClock-main\evilClock-main\evilClock\evilClock.ino:25:3: error: 'FFT' was not declared in this scope



exit status 1

Compilation error: 'arduinoFFT' does not name a type; did you mean 'ArduinoFFT'?

kosme commented 3 weeks ago

Hi. There were changes to the API with the new v2.x. You need to do some changes to your code. Check the wiki. It is explained there. Sorry for the inconvenience.