Using BlogLiteratelyD, one can embed a diagram created with the Haskell diagrams package ( Give we can \eval fragments of Haskell, it may not be too hard to generate diagrams as BlogLiteratelyD does, store them in a diagrams subdirectory and automatically include them e.g.
\caption{Noisy Observations (Driving with Sine)}
Currently I have a separate executable which includes the .lhs file. Clearly this is an overhead and the diagrams could get out of sync with the text.
Using BlogLiteratelyD, one can embed a diagram created with the Haskell diagrams package ( Give we can \eval fragments of Haskell, it may not be too hard to generate diagrams as BlogLiteratelyD does, store them in a diagrams subdirectory and automatically include them e.g.
Currently I have a separate executable which includes the .lhs file. Clearly this is an overhead and the diagrams could get out of sync with the text.