Hi. Faced a problem when getting the URL of the resource. Nova generates references to resources in the style of the kebab-case in the plural.
For myself, I took the following action in Select2.php:
if ($resource) { $resource = new ReflectionClass($resource); $resource = (string)Str::kebab($resource->getShortName()) . 's'; }
And on the detailed page the link refers to the page resource, and not to the one specified in the settings.
I think, that problem in vue file DetailField.
Hi. Faced a problem when getting the URL of the resource. Nova generates references to resources in the style of the kebab-case in the plural. For myself, I took the following action in Select2.php:
if ($resource) { $resource = new ReflectionClass($resource); $resource = (string)Str::kebab($resource->getShortName()) . 's'; }
And on the detailed page the link refers to the page resource, and not to the one specified in the settings. I think, that problem in vue file DetailField.