kostafey / organic-green-theme

Bright green color theme for Emacs.
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Weird face behavior #5

Closed wandersoncferreira closed 4 years ago

wandersoncferreira commented 4 years ago

Hello @kostafey how are you?

I just noticed something while using Emacs today. While I am typing the color of some portions of the buffer gets a little different, I took these two screenshots to contrast before/after saving the buffer.





I dont know exactly how to explain, but I was expecting the color to be solid across the word. It seems like some effect is taking over and it is not clear to me what triggers it. Sometimes if I zoom in/out it changes from Before to After image.

Any ideas? Have you noticed this before?


wandersoncferreira commented 4 years ago

Quick update on that, I dig a bit into it and seems related to extra-bold weight in the font.

kostafey commented 4 years ago

Hello, @wandersoncferreira. Sorry for the late response. The font rendering behavior depends on different things.

It can depend on:

It can't depend on:

So, for Windows open Start menu and type Adjust ClearType text. Follow the ClearType configuration steps choosing the best font rendering cases.

For Linux, you can read the following: https://pandasauce.org/post/linux-fonts/ If you use Debian, you can try font rendering from Ubuntu: https://lovingthepenguin.blogspot.com/2010/07/ubuntu-font-rendering-in-debian-squeeze.html

Here is my personal Emacs fonts configuration for both Linux and Windows:

 (case system-type
   (set-face-font 'default "Consolas-14.5:antialias=subpixel"))
   (set-face-font 'default "FiraMonoMedium-12.0:antialias=subpixel:rgba=rgb")))
wandersoncferreira commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the links. I realized the problem was related to something else when I used my macos some weeks ago rsrs. I will close the issue from my side.