kostysh / File-uploading-component-for-Sencha-Touch

Ext.Button based component for uploading files in Sencha Touch apps without page refresh
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Send a picture and use the success callback to send a form #2

Closed neuhausj closed 11 years ago

neuhausj commented 11 years ago


I have actually a problem with the extension Ext.ux.Fileup.

I want to send a picture and use the callback to send a form, with some fields plus the imageUrl from the callback.

The method is called when the image is upload and the response url is correct. However, I can't access to the getPatientForm() auto-generated method (patientForm is in refs section). I got the following error :

Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'getPatientForm'

Please note that if I use the autoupload feature and then submit the form, everything is ok. However, I can't avoid user to upload images without sending the form in this case. That's why I want to send the image when I submit the form.

Here is my controller code so far :

   savePatient: function(options) {
      var fileBtn = Ext.getCmp('fileBtn');


// Upload button initialisation
   onFileBtnInit: function(fileBtn) {
      var me = this;
         scope: this.getPatientForm(),
         success: me.onFileUploadSuccess,
         failure: me.onFileUploadFailure

 onFileUploadSuccess: function(response) {
         var patientForm = this.getPatientForm();
         var newValues = patientForm.getValues();
         var store = Ext.StoreManager.lookup('patientStore');
         var test = Ext.ModelMgr.create(newValues, 'iWound.model.patientModel');
         var errors = test.validate();

         if (!errors.isValid()) {
            Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'Fail to save patient ' + newValues.name + '<br/><i>' + errors.items[0]._field + " " + errors.items[0]._message + '</i>', Ext.emptyFn);
         } else {
            Ext.Msg.alert('User added', 'User ' + newValues.name + ' was added successfully', Ext.emptyFn);

How could I retrieve the patientForm method?

kostysh commented 11 years ago

Make sure you know the context in which the "onFileUploadSuccess" method is executed. If "this" is your controller, then error "Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'getPatientForm'" is related to problem with your references (you should define a patientForm in refs section in controller config). To define a reference to your form correctly you should assign itemId of id to your form.

neuhausj commented 11 years ago

Thank you for your answer. All the code above is in the same controller, with the refs correctly configured for patientForm. How should the scope configured? I tried both with this and this.getPatientForm(), but it was not successful. Am I missing something?

kostysh commented 11 years ago

You should check the value of "this" in "onFileBtnInit" method (where you define a scope for callbacks). Be sure, "this" object inside "onFileBtnInit" is the Button object, not the controller

neuhausj commented 11 years ago

So I just tested it and the "this" object inside the "onFileBrnInit" refers to the controller. However, in the "onFileUploadSuccess" callback, it doesn't. It refers there to the "fileBtn" object.

I manage to retrieve the scope value with this._callbacks.scope. So problem solved. Thank you for you quick support !!

kostysh commented 11 years ago

New version of Fileup component is available: https://github.com/kostysh/File-uploading-component-for-Sencha-Touch