Closed codependent closed 9 years ago
I am using gulp-tsc to compile TypeScript files in an Angular 2 application. According to Angular's doc the files must be generated with the following line:
tsc --watch -m commonjs -t es5 --emitDecoratorMetadata file.ts
My gulpfile.js file is as follows:
gulp.task('compile-ts', function(){ return gulp.src(['resources/angular/**/*.ts']) .pipe(typescript({target : "ES5", module : "commonjs" })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./public/angular/')) .pipe(plugins.livereload()); });
It supports specifying ES5 and commonjs but there's no way to add the flag --emitDecoratorMetadata
I accept your pull request and publsh new version of package. Enjoy :smile:
Thanks! ;)
I am using gulp-tsc to compile TypeScript files in an Angular 2 application. According to Angular's doc the files must be generated with the following line:
tsc --watch -m commonjs -t es5 --emitDecoratorMetadata file.ts
My gulpfile.js file is as follows:
It supports specifying ES5 and commonjs but there's no way to add the flag